Welcome to the Official webpage of the Lunenburg County Republican Committee! This page was created to help keep citizens informed about the activities of the committee as well as local political happenings. We hope you will enjoy. Please have patience as we are building out the site. This is a new outreach for us and our volunteer team is working to make it the best we can; however, the process of completely optimizing the site for Lunenburg will take some time. 

If you would like to attend one of our monthly meetings you are more than welcome. We meet the first Tuesday of each month in the back room of the La Victoria Restaurant here in Victoria. We invite folks to come at 6pm or before if you plan to order a meal and socialize. Our meetings officially begin at 6:30pm. 

If you would like to receive email updates alerting you of upcoming events, please sign up below.

Thanks for your time!

Flint Lewis, Chairman

The website you are currently viewing is currently under construction. Please be patient as we optimize our page, but feel free to browse around and see what we have going on! 



Lunenburg County, VA 
